2020 One Model A Week - W19 (2)
Year to date status
- Models bought (YTD) : 86
- Allowed to buy : 29
- Models painted total : 135 (+2)
- Models painted this week : 2
- Models owed : 0
- Successful weeks : 17
- Failed weeks : 2
- Miniature centered kickstarters backed : 3
Link to the rules
If you want to see the challenge rules go here
As always, new rules might be added if it seems necessary.
Suggestions for rules - hit me up on twitter
Zona Alfa transport
A long time ago I ordered some military toys from Aliexpress. They turned up last week and will most definitely appear in my future Zona Alfa games. They still look at bit too plastic like so I think they need a wash or something similar. This is my first time trying to work with stuff like this so perhaps a wash is not enough - time will tell.
I think these 6 vehicles cost me around 90 danish kroner so it is fairly cheap to stock up on. Sadly I couldn't find any tanks or similiar, as they would have been cool to add as well.
Backed kickstarters
I backed Blacklist Miniatures: Fantasy Series 1 and this one I will blame entirely on Bloodbeard from Bloodbeard's Garage - he definitely talked me into it.
Jokes aside - I was looking into this before Bloodbeard mentioned it again. It contains loads of fantasy figures that will fit well into both Sellswords And Spellslingers as well as Rangers of Shadow Deep.
The price tag on this one for the amount of mixed fantasy miniatures made it too stupid not to back.
Painting blog
Painting wise this has been yet another slow week. Not sure if the corona isoloation has anything to do with it or I am just falling back into old habbits of not painting. Still, I managed to paint two minis, well one mini and one piece of terrain but hey - models they both are yes?
Besides this I managed to get other hobby related stuff done. I got quite a few minis put on bases, hounds, rats and various Spectre Miniatures figures on bases, ready for sand and priming.
I also somehow placed an order with Sarissa Precision for some Zona Alfa related items. All of them will of course be used in various modern or scifi games.
- Equipment Shed × 1 - £8.00
- Static Oil Tank × 1 - £5.00
- Radar Tower Transmitter (28mm) × 1 - £12.00
- Radar Array × 1 - £8.00
- Street Lighting Set (28mm) × 1 - £10.00
- Russian Village Outhouse / Barn × 1 - £5.00
- Guard House / Bike Shelter × 1 - £8.00
- Secure Compound Scenery Set (28mm) × 1 - £45.00
- Ambassador's House (28mm) × 1 - £25.00
- Water Storage Tank (28mm) × 1 - £7.50
- Bus Shelter Set (28mm) × 1 - £7.50
- Porta Cabin Set (28mm) × 1 - £17.50
So some £160 pounds went to the UK. We do try to support all sorts of small companies while being quarantined at home.
Paint proof (19/53)
- 1 girl
- 1 floating stone with skully thing