2020 One Model A Week - W26 (8)
Year to date status
- Models bought (YTD) : 91
- Allowed to buy : 60
- Models painted total : 171 (+8)
- Models painted this week : 8
- Models owed : 0
- Successful weeks : 22
- Failed weeks : 4
- Miniature centered kickstarters backed : 3
Link to the rules
If you want to see the challenge rules go here
As always, new rules might be added if it seems necessary.
Suggestions for rules - hit me up on twitter
More Hardwired - D10 H-Sec
I didn't get much done this week besides finishing my last 8 H-Sec troopers for Hardwired. This time it was the D10 H-Sec so they have been painted black with red as the primary constrast colour. These guys were fairly easy to to paint and with some yellow and green on them they don't appear all that black.
I found a nice tutorial on doing black at some point - and the only black actually used is Nuln Oil. Otherwise it is dark grey with drybrushes with lighter grey and layers of Nuln Oil inbetween.
I have used Vallejo flouroscent orange for the eyes - I couldn't find a red one so this is as close to red I could get.
I kept the back somewhat blackish but had to add just a little bit of colour to break it all up.
Åcon X
For those who actually follow this blog you will surely have noticed that I didn't post on sunday or early Monday morning as usual. The reason for this was my attendance at Åcon X - a small private convention in a tent at a secret location in Jutland. It involves, beer, barbecue, miniature painting and wargaming plus other sorts of geek stuff.
I didn't get around to play much this year as we arrived way too late on friday and saturday was a killer with 30+ degrees celcius, way too hot for a northman like my self.
What I did manage to do was run a very small game of Hardwired with only minimal rules in use. We had way too little cover and probably played on a bit too large area but it was fun nonetheless.
I thought I had enough H-Secs but as the agents failed to kill enough of the first wave of D8s I ran out when I had to place the second D8 wave. At that point we had 7 D6 H-Secs on the table and all 8 of the D8 H-Secs - the agents were fairly pressed even though one of them had exited the table with the VIP. When the D10 H-Secs arrived at the end of turn 5 things looked grim, but the McCoys saved the day for a wounded agent and by pure luck they all made it off the board in one piece.
I look forward to try it out with more rules added (activation of CAPs and stuff for example and more use of locked doors and what not)
Paint proof (26/53)
- 8 D10 H-Sec for Hardwired