2020 One Model A Week - W03 (6)

Year to date status

  • Models bought (YTD) : 0
  • Allowed to buy : 12
  • Models painted total : 13 (+6)
  • Models painted this week : 6
  • Models owed : 0
  • Successful weeks : 2
  • Failed weeks : 1

If you want to see the challenge rules go here

As always, new rules might be added if it seems necessary.

Suggestions for rules - hit me up on twitter

Back in the saddle

So, after last weeks epic failure of not getting even one model done, I picked up the brush again. This weeks goal is to do at least two models although I will probably do more if time permits. (Not having week-end guests and too much redwine will most likely help me getting there)

First model to finish will be a female paladin type - that should take care of my painting debt :) Next up will be a witch with a broom and what comes after that only time will tell. Most likely it will be a big axe dude and probably some small terrain pieces.

Army Painter paints

So late last year I bought a box of 50 army painter paints to get paints that weren't all dried out. Most of my collection consisted of old Vallejo paints from their model range, which meant I had a great selection of almost similar paints but nothing that really had the "pang" needed for fantasy miniatures. It was nice to finally get some actual colours, but I am not quite sure what I feel about them. I haven't used them all yet, but the ones I have tried seems to give a fairly glossy finish which I don't like.

I hope it has only been a few of them that looks this way, because otherwise I might have to find some new ones yet again. I am not that fond of GW paints as I really dislike their bottles. The paints them selves are good, but I prefer drop bottles like Vallejo or Army Painter.

It might still be just me that uses to thick a layer when I paint - which most likely boils down to the point that I am impatient and want to get stuff done. This is another thing I really need to work on - thinner paints and more layers. Hopefully this challenge will see me getting better over time.

Paint proof (3/53)

  • Female Paladin
  • Female Witch
  • Male Wizard

Week 03 - 3/53 She turned out a bit too dirty, but as I know fiddling more with it will just end up worse I have decided to leave her as she is. On the table she will work fine.

Week 03 - 3/53 This one was a Bones miniature. Not all that satisfied with the end result and I must confess she wasn't as easy to paint due to blurred out features on the model. That doesn't help when your skills aren't up to it. But once again - on the table she should work just fine.

Week 03 - 3/53 The wizard turned out the best and while the detailing aren't that good I am fairly pleased with him. Also he is the first in a long line of wizards I will get to paint so this is a good start.

Week 03 - 3/53 Just a small terrain piece I had lying around. Figured it was time to paint it up.

Week 03 - 3/53 I started this fellow many years ago but somehow couldn't get to grips with him. Now he just needs proper base stuff applied like the rest. He turned out better than I had expected compared to what he have has been looking for the past years, but he is not what I had in mind though.

Week 03 - 3/53 A Freeboters Fate miniature by Kev White. This is easily the best miniature I have painted in the last year and a half. The model looks way better in reality - my skills as a photographer is even worse than my painting skills. Rather pleased with my self.

Week 03 - 3/53 So here is the queue for next week. Mostly terrain stuff, but these have been primed for more than a year so it should be time to get them done. The doctor lady (also a Freeboters Fate miniature) has been primed and started 4 or 5 years ago. So glad if I can finally get her done.


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Call me the nullpainter. As in, I really do not get a lot of painting done these days. This blog is made so I can keep track of what I actually DO get painted.