2020 One Model A Week - W03 (6)
Year to date status
- Models bought (YTD) : 0
- Allowed to buy : 12
- Models painted total : 13 (+6)
- Models painted this week : 6
- Models owed : 0
- Successful weeks : 2
- Failed weeks : 1
Link to the rules
If you want to see the challenge rules go here
As always, new rules might be added if it seems necessary.
Suggestions for rules - hit me up on twitter
Back in the saddle
So, after last weeks epic failure of not getting even one model done, I picked up the brush again. This weeks goal is to do at least two models although I will probably do more if time permits. (Not having week-end guests and too much redwine will most likely help me getting there)
First model to finish will be a female paladin type - that should take care of my painting debt :) Next up will be a witch with a broom and what comes after that only time will tell. Most likely it will be a big axe dude and probably some small terrain pieces.
Army Painter paints
So late last year I bought a box of 50 army painter paints to get paints that weren't all dried out. Most of my collection consisted of old Vallejo paints from their model range, which meant I had a great selection of almost similar paints but nothing that really had the "pang" needed for fantasy miniatures. It was nice to finally get some actual colours, but I am not quite sure what I feel about them. I haven't used them all yet, but the ones I have tried seems to give a fairly glossy finish which I don't like.
I hope it has only been a few of them that looks this way, because otherwise I might have to find some new ones yet again. I am not that fond of GW paints as I really dislike their bottles. The paints them selves are good, but I prefer drop bottles like Vallejo or Army Painter.
It might still be just me that uses to thick a layer when I paint - which most likely boils down to the point that I am impatient and want to get stuff done. This is another thing I really need to work on - thinner paints and more layers. Hopefully this challenge will see me getting better over time.
Paint proof (3/53)
- Female Paladin
- Female Witch
- Male Wizard
She turned out a bit too dirty, but as I know fiddling more with it will just end up worse I have decided to leave her as she is. On the table she will work fine.
This one was a Bones miniature. Not all that satisfied with the end result and I must confess she wasn't as easy to paint due to blurred out features on the model. That doesn't help when your skills aren't up to it. But once again - on the table she should work just fine.
The wizard turned out the best and while the detailing aren't that good I am fairly pleased with him. Also he is the first in a long line of wizards I will get to paint so this is a good start.
Just a small terrain piece I had lying around. Figured it was time to paint it up.
I started this fellow many years ago but somehow couldn't get to grips with him. Now he just needs proper base stuff applied like the rest. He turned out better than I had expected compared to what he have has been looking for the past years, but he is not what I had in mind though.
A Freeboters Fate miniature by Kev White. This is easily the best miniature I have painted in the last year and a half. The model looks way better in reality - my skills as a photographer is even worse than my painting skills. Rather pleased with my self.
So here is the queue for next week. Mostly terrain stuff, but these have been primed for more than a year so it should be time to get them done. The doctor lady (also a Freeboters Fate miniature) has been primed and started 4 or 5 years ago. So glad if I can finally get her done.