2020 One Model A Week - W04 (8)
Year to date status
- Models bought (YTD) : 0
- Allowed to buy : 20
- Models painted total : 21 (+8)
- Models painted this week : 8
- Models owed : 0
- Successful weeks : 3
- Failed weeks : 1
Upwards and onwards
Terrain, terrain and terrain. Dungeon Saga and some GW terrain have been low hanging fruits for a long time. Glad to finally getting some of it done. It will also help break up the cardboard terrain that is incoming from Battle Systems in a few months.
Paint proof (4/53)
- doctor lady (Freeboters Fate)
- beacon on stones
- two runestones
- small and large treasure chest
- owl on a stick
- small road sign
So I managed to finish the doctor lady as well. Not too satisfied with the stockings, so there is only one way to go - find more like this and paint it to practice.
Some stuff to scatter on the board. I have the flames to go on top of the beacon as well, so this should see some painting in the near future.
Some objective stuff. We all need more loot right?
Next week I will see if I can paint up the first of my nighthaunts. They are intended for a Sellswords & Spellslingers scenario that I am working on. Also more loot, the flames for the beacon as well as a dwarf king I have primed many many moons ago.