2020 One Model A Week - W05 (8)

Year to date status

  • Models bought (YTD) : 5
  • Allowed to buy : 23
  • Models painted total : 29 (+8)
  • Models painted this week : 8
  • Models owed : 0
  • Successful weeks : 4
  • Failed weeks : 1

If you want to see the challenge rules go here

As always, new rules might be added if it seems necessary.

Suggestions for rules - hit me up on twitter


I accidently happened to buy the Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soul Wars box when we went to London 1½ year ago. Of course nothing has been painted yet, but I put together 5 Grimghast Reapers and had them primed. With all my ww2 and modernish paint I bought the Nighthaunt paintset (not knowing I would get more miniatures with the box, but you can never have too many can you?)

Having quite a lot skeletons these guys would do great for some boss types for my Sellswords and Spellslingers games.

I know the final models will that original, but I have a whole box to do other styles with. (And truth be told I kinda like the original paintscheme although there are many other cool ones out there.)

Lo and behold - with the bought paintset they actually turned out fine. They are remarkable easy to paint so I guess I should put together a few more from the big AoS box.


Zona Alfa

Having a thing for very small skirmish games I happended to preorder the Zona Alfa rules from Northstar (could have done it from Osprey but Northstars newsletters comes more often)

Preordering gave me a free pack of Mark Copplestone's Future Wars pack - I chose some Corporate Babes as you can never have too many deadly women in suits. Future Wars Corporate Babes

With 4-9 miniatures a side (you can have more, but the troops will be low quality and even 9 i stretching it) it is a perfect game for the amount of miniatures I am willing to paint for a single game.

But I have no Stalker/Metro/Apocalyptic troops - kinda weird with the amount of figures I have accumulated. But finding something I like have proved rather difficult. The Lead Adventure Miniatures looks kinda nice, but the mix of troops in each pack doesn't quite suit me. As for the miniatures for Fallout it is kinda the same thing, added with the fact that there are too many troops in there I don't like at all.

A random search turned out pictures from Pig Iron Productions - and those were cool. But Pig Iron Productions went awall a few years ago - or at least I thought so. Apparantly they are back in business and the Kolony Militia may be just what I am looking for. I have some of their more regular troops from earlier on and they definitely are worth getting.


New purchase

I had to get a new brush and some base paint so I headed to Copenhagen saturday morning to stock up. For quite some time I have been looking at a box of Hexwraiths - not the Hexwraiths themselves although the fit right in with all the other Nighthaunt stuff I have. But they have the option to be turned into Black Knights which is what I want. They are also intended for my Sellswords and Spellslingers mini campaign which I suspect will have a rather tough ending scenario. Also they look mighty cool :)


This leads me to a new rule for the challenge. I may not buy more miniatures than I have painted, minus 1. The idea is to make a dent in the to-be-painted-pile so buying more than I paint is a bad idea. With 21 miniatures painted last week I can now buy 15 more miniatures plus whatever I manage to paint this week.

Updated rules

Paint proof (5/53)

  • 5 Grimghast Reapers
  • 1 Beacon Fire
  • 1 Dungeon Keeper
  • 1 Treasure Chest

Week 05 - 5/53 Week 05 - 5/53 My first Grimghast Reapers

Week 05 - 5/53 Fire for the beacon from last week.

Week 05 - 5/53 A small dungeon keeper I dug up in the already primed pile - was fairly easy to paint.

Week 05 - 5/53 A treasure chest with books and bottles - what may it contain.

Week 05 - 5/53 Next weeks queue will be some wizards and other stuff, including an eternal resting place for a dead person. I will proably keep working on the dwarf king from this week. I need to figure out how to give him some colour and at the same time not end up too colourful as this is not how I like my dwarfes.


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Call me the nullpainter. As in, I really do not get a lot of painting done these days. This blog is made so I can keep track of what I actually DO get painted.