2020 One Model A Week - W22 (0)

Year to date status

  • Models bought (YTD) : 91
  • Allowed to buy : 32
  • Models painted total : 143 (+0)
  • Models painted this week : 0
  • Models owed : 2
  • Successful weeks : 18
  • Failed weeks : 4
  • Miniature centered kickstarters backed : 3

If you want to see the challenge rules go here

As always, new rules might be added if it seems necessary.

Suggestions for rules - hit me up on twitter

Two in a row - sigh

So the second week in a row that I failed. Some of it I can still blame on work - unmovable deadlines takes a toll on life some times. I did have time over the week-end to do some painting, but most of it was spent cleaning up my work room. I had lots and lots of old Games Workshop stuff that I will never use. A full IKEA bag have now been collected with all the surplus stuff and it will find its way to a place where it will be used and appreciated.

Prepping stuff

So even though I didn't get around to paint anything I did manage to prep quite a few miniatures for priming. Most of it is stuff from Spectre Miniatures and then a lot from Human Interface - Be A Better Human. Most of them will see action in Hardwired and/or Zona Alfa as various agents/H-Sec or zone guides.

First some mixed fantasy, terrain and a few modern pieces. Rats and dogs will be for Sellswords and Spellslingers, Rangers of Shadow Deep and Zona Alfa. The terrain is rather generic so will be used for various things as well.

Prepping sand on bases.

I tend to use a beige/bone colour for my priming. It sorta started when I had a lot of undeads to paint, but I rather liked it so here we are.


Next up a lot of mixed scifi/modern/near future stuff. Most of it is looted from Human Interface but there are other bits and pieces there as well.

Prepping sand on bases.

This time I decided to go for a dark grey primer as most of them will be rather blackish or dark blue. D6, D8 and D10 H-Sec troops for Hardwired, but some of them will se action in Zona Alfa as well.

Primed grey.

This is my first venture into mdf terrain. I decided to go with the street lights and a water tank so I wouldn't goof up one of the larger pieces if anything went sour.

Street lights galore

I kept the paint to a minimum and will add a brownish wash once I put the tank together. I think the street lights will get some wash as well so they look like they have seen some wear.

Street lights and water tank

Paint proof (22/53)

  • 0 of nothing


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Call me the nullpainter. As in, I really do not get a lot of painting done these days. This blog is made so I can keep track of what I actually DO get painted.