2020 One Model A Week - W23 (8)
Year to date status
- Models bought (YTD) : 91
- Allowed to buy : 40
- Models painted total : 151 (+8)
- Models painted this week : 8
- Models owed : 0
- Successful weeks : 19
- Failed weeks : 4
- Miniature centered kickstarters backed : 3
Link to the rules
If you want to see the challenge rules go here
As always, new rules might be added if it seems necessary.
Suggestions for rules - hit me up on twitter
Back in business
Cleaning up the man cave seemed to have a possitive effect on my painting. Preparing for Hardwired I have prepped quite a lot of miniatures from Human Interface : Be a better human. I started with some D6 H-Sec as they will be the first you encounter in the game and I do have enough of other troops to put in as D8 and D10 H-Sec if I get to play before I finish the rest.
Rather than repeating the pictures too much, you can see them below with the information about the light box.
New photo setup
I bought a portable photo light box in the hope of getting better miniature photos. I also bought a camera stand, but sadly it didn't come with the expected holder for my phone so the picture below is still handheld.
And before this got posted my camera holder arrived this morning with DAO (ordered this saturday so can't really argue with one-day-delivery, even on sundays) so I tried to do a photo of all eight of them. It still has a shine (the hair) that doesn't really match reality, but they are way closer to reality than the pictures I used to take with my wet palette as background.
And a shot like I used to do them. I hope the difference is notable :)
And a shot of my new photo studio. To the right in the back you can some of the other backgrounds I can outfit it with (blue, yellow, white, green and red) - they all came with the light box so pretty good investment I think
By popuplar request... A few pictures of my man cave, more tidy than it have been for a long time. The floor was covered in miniature boxes, terrain material and board games, mostly bought for the miniatures.
I still have a lot of stuff to throw out, even though I still have that feeling that it may come in handy at some point. But the fact is that I don't scratch build as much as I used to so in order to make room for what I actually use it needs to go.
My unpainted stash is, well huge and the top shelves are just a bit of what I have. Since I have begun painting again I will hopefully make a huge dent in the pile.
The desk is still not as tidy as I want it, but I am getting there. I am using trays from IKEA to store to-be-prepped, prepped and painted miniatures on and currently I only have room on the desk.
Boardgames, books, boxes with miniatures from board games, terrain and stuff. Playing with 28mm figures takes up a lot of space :)
I intend to replace the shelves on the end wall with cabinets from IKEA. Glass in the top part of the doors and my miniatures will move onto shelves there, making it possible to actually see what I have to play with. The lower part is closed of so will contain more of the untidy looking stuff like boxes and so on. IKEA BILLY to the rescue. They are white so will also help brighten up the cave a bit.
Paint proof (23/53)
- 8 D6 H-Sec for Hardwired