2020 One Model A Week - W24 (2)
Year to date status
- Models bought (YTD) : 91
- Allowed to buy : 42
- Models painted total : 153 (+2)
- Models painted this week : 2
- Models owed : 0
- Successful weeks : 20
- Failed weeks : 4
- Miniature centered kickstarters backed : 3
Link to the rules
If you want to see the challenge rules go here
As always, new rules might be added if it seems necessary.
Suggestions for rules - hit me up on twitter
Bob the builder
So this post is a day late, hobbying stole away my time yesterday so I didn't get around to actually posting my progress. But here goes.
While I did manage to work on my D8 H-Sec troops this week I wasn't able to finish them. Instead I took the first plunge into painting my recently purchased MDF terrain from TTCombat and Sarissa Precision.
Grey Harbor House A - TT Combat
I was a bit hesitant once I unwrapped the first building. It seemed like it deserved a lot of different colors which pretty much went against my plans for the MDF terrain. Quick spraypaint and then some wash.
So I spent a lot hours pondering on how to get different colours on the various parts, especially with only spray cans and a limited assortment of colours too.
In the end I just went ahead made different colours for the walls and roof/wooden beams. Once the paint had dried I painted the floor in a more brownish colour to set it apart from the other parts.
I have made my own wash, a mix of water, wood glue, dish soap and brown and black paint. I am still debating with my self whether I am going to actually put it on the houses. So for now at least they are deemed done. I might return later with pictures of wash added.
The last one here is with the roof removed and a better view of the floor. This might get some drybrush as well and as you can see I didn't paint the inner walls. A fault I have fixed in the next two pieces I am putting together.
Warehouse Q016 - Sarissa Precision
A bit more confident I unwrapped one of the larger pieces from Sarissa. Listed as a warehous, but it will find many uses for both Zona Alfa and Hardwired games. I bought the heli-pad and water storage tank for it as well as the walls to make it a proper compound.
The instructions regarding the base didn't fit the actual parts delivered, but after some swearing and cursing I found my way through. All in all the entire piece was easily put together.
As you might can see on the back of the building I did manage to break the overhanging roof. Too many places to put wood glue on and then pressing the support beams in place made the thing snap. But now the glue has dried it just looks like wear and tear so not a big deal really.
The entire inner office with stairs are easily removed, while still resting firmly on the internal beams. Once more I am not sure if I am going to apply the wash, but then again I can see in my mind brown streaks running down the sides like it would on a real building.
Also grass and stuff could be added to break up the greyness. Another thing I am not sure about yet is whether or not I should open the three doors in the back for easy access. Or perhaps just one of them. I haven't figured out how to fix them in place once they have been pressed out so for now I will just leave them as is.
MDF Conclusion
All in all I must say that working with MDF is pretty straight forward. You have to work a little bit fast so larger clumps of glue doesn't hinder tight fittings, but still you have reasonable time compared to super glue.
Painting is also fairly easy although sometimes it seems like it's a bit difficult to get even coverage. This is especially true for the Grey Harbor House. This might be a place where the wash could help bring it all together.
Paint proof (24/53)
- 1 Grey Harbor House A - TT Combat
- Warehouse Q016 - Sarissa Precision