2020 One Model A Week - W10 (12)
Year to date status
- Models bought (YTD) : 38
- Allowed to buy : 17
- Models painted total : 75 (+12)
- Models painted this week : 12
- Models owed : 0
- Successful weeks : 9
- Failed weeks : 1
- Miniature centered kickstarters backed : 2
Link to the rules
If you want to see the challenge rules go here
As always, new rules might be added if it seems necessary.
Suggestions for rules - hit me up on twitter
The Zone - Prepping the crews
My order from Pig Iron Productions arrived this friday.
I went to work on the first batch the same evening, just wanting to get enough miniatures ready to make one crew for Zona Alfa. You only need 5-7 models, but I figured having a few spares wouldn't hurt so I put 11 on bases. I also based the alien thingy I got from Pig Iron as well as a few odd miniatures that was hiding on my work table.
Going for a dirty used military look I got the chance to break out my old Vallejo paints. Most of them are various shades of brown, green, grey and blue mixed up with the odd khaki. I wanted them too look like they just raided an army surplus store with mixed colors and I think they came out rather nice.
The picture below have them almost completed. Bases needs to be done of course and I will apply some Agrax Earthshade to make them look even more dirty. I am considering red-dotting the rifles as well - just to get some different color mixed in.
Paint proof (10/53)
- 11 Zone crews
- 1 zone mutant